20 May 2022
8.30am -4.00pm
International Medical College
Subang Jaya, Selangor
Ms Yeoh Su Ling
BSc. Nsg. (Monash)
Adv. Dip. Teaching (UM)
Cert PB Ophthalmic (KKM)
SRN (Assunta)
Ms Thilagavathi Subamaniam
Adv. Dip. in Gerontology Nursing (ILKKM Melaka)
Master of Education (AEU)
BSc. Nsg. (Monash University)
Adv. Dip. Teaching Methodology (UMMC)
Certificate in Nursing (Tun Tan Cheng Lock, College of Nursing)
The role of the clinical educator must never be overlooked in the field of nursing. This interactive clinical education session offers tips on how clinical learning is supported by a positive climate. The art and science of being an effective clinical educator.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Define clinical educator
- Describe learning preferences, styles, and learning climate
- Explain characteristics of effective clinical educators
- Describe learning strategies in conducting clinical teaching
- Create a mini-lesson plan for clinical teaching
- Describes the principles of assessment and effective feedback
- Demonstrates awareness of inter-professional collaboration in clinical teaching
Holders of Diploma/Degree in Nursing from a recognized institution. Participants are expected to have knowledge of universal precautions as well as Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Vascular System.
Medical and Non-Medical Personnel
Workshop Fee